Experience the Uplifted You

Practice Anytime, Anywhere  

Be Golden Membership brings you a custom blend of  personal development & kundalini techniques that are uniquely suited for the world we live in, so you can accelerate human excellence.

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3 Kundalini Sessions a week to...

awaken your vitality, center yourself, tune up your body, clear your mind, uplift your spirit

Monday Early Morning Practice (which happens to be a community favorite) as it sets the week strong, clear-minded, uplifted, harnessing the magic of intention to carry you the whole week through, productive, aligned, fulfilled. Wednesday Breathwork Session. Friday Kundalini Yoga Class 

Monthly Group Coaching Sessions

Pairing a practice of yoga & meditation with coaching and personal development takes you double the distance in awakening your excellence. Take this chance to be supported in implementing and integrating the healing, the insights, the opportunities that awaken through a spiritual practice, into your daily life.

Take your yoga off the mat and create a life you love! supported by community and accountability. 

Uplifting Community

Do you ever feel alone on your spiritual path, wanting a tribe to be supported by and offer your support to?  Be Golden is a home for people uplifting people, to share practice space together, the human space of growing, transforming. Expanding yourself and your network at the same time, making friends that can last a lifetime and sometimes collaborations arise!

Plus we can go so much further, deeper, wider together than we can alone. Joy factor!

Weekly Coaching Emails & Audio Inspirations

Every Sunday receive an email and audio from me to set your week up with tools, suggestions, wisdom, and mindset as you cultivate the golden focus of the month, enabling faster, sustainable personal growth! 

Practice Whenever You Decide

Access a searchable library of classes, breathwork, meditation, kundalini yoga, and coaching tools that fit the time you have and the state you want to activate!

Quarterly Challenges

Designed to support you in a daily practice of  meditation, yoga, mindset and habit creation! Join for shorter challenges of 6 - 11 days or 40 day practices.

Golden Focus 

Literally the ability to focus is worth gold, it gifts you time & fulfillment or in its absence frustration, anxiety & overwhelm find you. Every month Be Golden Community focuses on themes to accelerate transformation, build trust and self mastery. Keeping a high vibe to improve your life circumstances, having community and positively impacting society. 

The Golden Focus of the Month will support you in managing your energy, strengthening your self-authority, awakening your creativity, clearing your mind for making intuitive decisions. Knowing your true direction in life, heart centered, empowered, creative living as you create a life you love, a life of love. 

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Practice Live and with Re-Plays

Energy Boost

Kundalini Yoga to awaken your source energy, your true self and from here become a light for humanity - a lighthouse. Use this series to activate your frontal lobe - the area of your brain responsible for values and the ability to make decisions based on what is important to you, what you care about. Activate the higher mind. Use Expect to dance, move and sweat with a full body yoga workout.

Saturday at 9:00 ET

Practice Kundalini Yoga

Release Tension from shoulders, upper back, neck and chest. Use this series to let go of deep physical tension in the upper body and emotions you hold here like worry, discouragement or stress. If you have chronic tension in your shoulders, practice this series a few days in a row.

Friday @ 14:15 CET

Breathe into Courage

From negativity to capability, activate your human capacity and the courage you need to tread into the unknown and discover the great things that are waiting for you! With your breath: detox, build your trust in what is possible, unlock the diaphragm for a massage of your heart, activate your vagus nerve to help calm and regulate your system.

Wednesday @ 06:00 CET

Radiate Confidence

Embody what you speak and create impact with your words by using this chanting meditation that coordinates the pulse of your navel and the movement of tounge. Using a mantra that ativates our confident, courageous, creative capacity. Center yourself and magnify your prosperous nature with this sound current.

Wednesday @ 19:00 CET

Coaching to Reveal your Gifts

Remember an experience of self victory, where you have experienced your self totality. Get in touch with your gifts, talents and the unique creativity you came to shine this lifetime! Align to your purpose and use your gifts to set your goals.

Wednesday at 19:00 CET

A Golden Life…

A home for Kundalini Yoga and a community of beautiful beings, devoted to applying awareness and living in alignment with your dreams. 

I want you to live a life where you are confident, where you trust yourself, guided by your intuition, not guessing yourself & your dreams. A golden life. Going for it, with a clear mind, a courageous heart, achieving a life beyond what you could dream & imagine, with ease, relaxation and your infinite capacity working for you! 

Join the Be Golden Community

Marieke Hoppe, Freelancer Communications & Marketing
Seema Sangat
Nike Clausing, Yogateacher & Designer
Swantje, Architect
Kerstin Braun
Elena Deppe, Singer, Coach, Educator

I really like the small tools, you give in Be Golden.

It is so good for the day to day life... you don’t always need 90 minutes, but 5 minutes and then remember the state of mind you were in.

Marieke Hoppe, Freelancer Communications & Marketing

I feel so happy and supported by the whole program and community you are creating here.

I can feel your energy so strongly. I am so grateful that you are bringing this to life and make us connect to our light within, and dare to dance our most vivid dance of life.

Seema Sangat

I am loving the Be Golden program.

I can only describe it as coaching on crack. It is so full of energy and speed and motivation- you mean business! And I love, it and it is exactly what I need! I am implementing in my life as i go along.

Thank you so much for your amazing energy, wisdom and love.

Nike Clausing, Yogateacher & Designer

Be golden has become such an important part for me and for my personal growth. Your words and thoughts resonate so incredibly with me. The movement make me feel them. Its so important for my weekly rhythm to take part. I feel so connected.

Thank you for your love, sharing your deep knowledge, your professional approach and consistency. 🙏

Swantje, Architect

I simply love the platform among other things for its flexibility as it was a very busy year for me. With the superb recordings at hand it felt as if Panch Nishan was there with me. The ten bodies kriya was one of my favorites as it gave me strength as well as stability at a challenging time in my live. I am so happy to be part of this precious community. Thank you!

Kerstin Braun

Working with you online helped me stick to a daily practice! I did my 40 days with you without missing one. This is a big victory for me, and I thank you for helping me to achieve this ‘long breath.’ It is easier for me to keep to a routine when someone as wonderful as Panch Nishan lifts me up.

Elena Deppe, Singer, Coach, Educator

Practice on any screen

Coming Soon! Be Golden App for easy use anywhere, anytime. In the meantime access Be Golden on your hand held browser. 

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This is for you if you want...

  • To be empowered in your life guided by intuition with a strong self authority to make decisions aligned to your heart and values that accelerates your purpose. 

  • A life aligned with your true purpose that leads to fulfillment and makes you shine.  

  • A deep soulful connection with yourself & others in your life.

  • To be empowered to find all you need inside of you so that you are the master of your own domain. 

  • To grow and want to make changes to your outer world by shifting inside.

  • To develop strong, authentic, loving relationship with yourself & others

  • Heal and release patterns no longer serving you so that you stop repeating painful circumstances.